Thursday, March 29, 2012

The YMCA Cambodia Project

   Three years ago, our Cambodian Staff had a new idea, to help Cambodian American's connect to their heritage in Cambodia. It was an easy idea to grasp considering two things: In Long Beach, we have the largest population of Cambodians outside of Cambodia and our branch reflects this by having the most Cambodian YMCA employees in the country. The idea became a goal and three years later this goal was met.  Last November, we sent 6 of our Cambodian Staff to Cambodia to participate in a cultural exchange. The trip was a huge success. It was also filmed and a documentary was produced by our very own Change Agent Productions. We are now proud to announce the documentary is complete and is available to view on YouTube ( or you can watch it below. We are very excited for the opportunities that this production will open up for not only our staff but also the Cambodian YMCA we have partnered with.  Enjoy the film.
        For more information on the YMCA Cambodia Project and how to get involved please visit,